Some users of LogixOne are happy to for the CRM to create LogixOne Operator Events as soon as the Job/Sales Order is created. This can be achicieved by adding the Zoho script detailed below to a custom worflow. The following article details how this can be implemented in your CRM.
To create events from a Job/Sales Order
automatically, you need to create a Workflow Rule that will be triggered to
create events automatically after a Job/Sales Order is successfully created.
Step 1 - Go to Settings > Workflow Rules

Click on "Create Rule", a
pop-up window will appear as shown in the image below. You can give any name to
this Rule.
For example, 'Create Operator Events via Workflow
Rule'. Then click "Next".
Please follow the guide below to create the
details of the workflow rule:
(using this criteria will mean that the LogixOne Operator Events will be created after each record is created. You could also select 'Create or Edit' this will mean that the workflow will execute basically everytime you edit the Job/Sales Order)

Select 'All Jobs/Sales Orders' if you want this rule to run on all records, or set it to run only when certain conditions are meet.

Click 'Functions' from the 'Instant Actions' list.

After the function popup appears, click on
"New Function".

Select “Write your own”.
To create a new function, enter the
Function Name, Display Name, and Description (if required) on the "Create
New Function" form.
The Function Name and Display Name can be chosen as
desired, but spaces are not allowed in the Function Name.
Instead, an
underscore (_) can be used, as shown in the example image below.
You will then see the interface for
creating the Deluge script for this function.
Before doing so, click on
"Edit Argument".

Please follow the instructions below to
perform Argument Mapping.

After you click 'Done' Please copy the Deluge script below:

appToken = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("logixonescheduler__Operator_App_Token");
apiEndpoint = zoho.crm.getOrgVariable("logixonescheduler__API_ENDPOINT");
finalUrl = apiEndpoint + "/create-events/" + salesOrderId + '?token=' + appToken;
resp = invokeurl
url :finalUrl
type :GET
Then, paste the script in the dialog box
for the script, as shown in the image below, and click on "Save".

The Workflow Rule has been successfully
created. So whenever a Job/Sales Order is created, it will automatically
create corresponding operator events.
You can view the events that have been
created on the scheduler calendar in the "LogixOne" module.

1. The Start Date and Time field must not be left
2. The End Date and Time must be later than the Start Date and Time.
3. Please make sure that the Operator field is not empty.
4. Please ensure that the selected Operator is i active.
5. The Service Frequency field must not be left
6. If a Service Frequency other than one-time is
selected :
a. The Repeat Ends Date field must not be left
empty and must be later than the Start Date and Time.
b. The Repeat Every field must not be left empty,
its value must be a number greater than 0.
c. Please ensure that the selected Exclude Days field is correct (if applicable).
7. The time difference between the Start and End must not be greater than the selected Service Frequency.
8. Please make sure that all Shipping Addresses are
not left empty (Street, City, State, Code, Country).
9. The number of events to be created must not
exceed 300 records.

Note : If the event does not appear on the LogixOne scheduler
calendar after the job has been created, please manually check again the above-mentioned requirements.