Configuring the LogixOne B2B Portal for LogixOne and Zoho CRM
The LogixOne B2B portal can be integrated into both LogixOne CRM and Zoho CRM and functions and features are shared equally across each platform. In this document we will refer to the CRM in general to be either LogixOne CRM or Zoho CRM.
- The LogixOne B2B portal enables you to create dedicated online ordering portals for your accounts within the CRM. Products from the products module within the CRM can be added to each account and pricing modified And subsequently published to the dedicated accounts portal.
- B2B or wholesale Customers can then log into your B2B portal and place orders directly into the CRM at their agreed pricing.Any orders from the B2B portal are created as'Sales Orders' using the native CRM 'Sales Orders' module.
- These sales orders can then be synced directly into Zoho inventory for further processing.
- Customisation of accounts dedicated pricing can be customized in the following ways:
- Unit prices can be directly modified within the sub form containing the B2B products.
- Tiered pricing can be applied to accounts on an individual basis further discounting orders based on the final quantity amount purchased.
- Group discounts can be applied to accounts on an individual basis that will directly discount by the group discount percentage detailed.
Quick How To Video
The following diagram details the general workflow between CRM - Zoho Inventory - B2B Portal.
- Items are created with inside Zoho inventory and using the native Zoho inventory to CRM integration synced on a two-hour basis between the two platforms. (Note: It is not mandatory to use the CRM to Zoho inventory connection. Products can be directly created within the CRM products module.
- Products from the native CRM 'Products' module are then added to the relevant 'Accounts' 'B2B Products' sub-form.
- Products are synced to the B2B portal for each relevant customer.
- The customer selects the items they wish to order and processes the order.
- Sales orders I received in the CRM's native 'Sales Orders' module.
- CRM sales orders I then synchronize to Zoho inventory.
How to use
Requirements - (Please read before proceeding)
- If sales orders are to be synchronized between CRM and Zoho inventory then both the inventory item and the CRM product must exist in both environments and they must share the same 'product SKU' in inventory and 'product code' in CRM. This is mandatory for the sales order synchronization to function correctly between CRM and inventory.
- Product images for each product synchronize to and accounts B2B portal are generated from the CRM product record. As such if product records do not have images in the image space in the B2B portal shall be blank. The Zoho inventory to CRM native integration and synchronization of items does not enable individual items/product images to be synchronized and therefore product images need to be manually added within the CRM.
- Standard synchronization between oho inventory and CRM occurs every two hours. If an account is created within CRM and that account does not exist with inside Zoho CRM the synchronization between Zoho inventory and CRM sales orders will fail. We highly recommend that customer B2B portal is not created until it is confirmed that the account exists both in CRM and in Zoho inventory.
- It is not mandatory to utilize Zoho inventory.
There are two types of 'Automatic' discount structures that you can configure within the CRM component of LogixOne B2B portal'
- Fixed/Tiered Discounts - enable you to apply discounts at the time of checkout based on the quantities for each item purchased by B2B customers. 'Fixed' Discounts means the B2B Portal Account will not be able to receive any 'Tiered' Discounts.
- Discount Groups – individual B2B customers can be assigned to 'Discount Groups' depending on the discount group chosen discount percentages can be a applied globally meaning to each product listed in the accounts better be product list. An example of a discount group could be; Gold = 25% discount, Silver = 15% discount and Bronze = 10% discount and so on.
Creating Tiered Discounts
Step 1 - Navigate to the Tiered Discounts module within the CRM
Step 2 - Click the 'Create Tiered Discount' button
Step 3 - Enter the 'Percentage Discount', 'Minimum Purchase' and 'Maximum Purchase' detail. Please enter numbers only. And then click save.
Note: You can add as many 'Discount Groups' as you like but please ensure the minimum and maximum purchase fields do not overlap.
Step 4 - Click the 'Sync With B2B Portal' button. This pushes the 'Tiered Discount'information to the B2B portal.
Tiered pricing structure within customer B2B portalCreating Discount Groups
Step 1 - Navigate to the 'Discount Groups'module within the CRM and click 'Create Discount Group'
Step 2 - Enter the 'Discount Groups Name', 'Discount Title' and 'Discount' percentage. Then click save.
Configuring a CRM Account for B2B portal access
Step 1 - Create or select a CRM account using the normal method and enter the normal details as required by your CRM policy.
Step 2 - Tick the 'Active in B2B Portal' checkbox
Step 3 - Select 'Pricing Type' either 'Fixed' or 'Tiered'. (Fixed accounts shall not receive quantity based discounts, Tiered accounts will receive quantity based discounts as detailed in the' 'Tiered Discounts' CRM module)
Note: The 'B2B Customer Exists' checkbox is automatically updated by the system. There is no need for the user to edit this field.
Step 4 - Select the Discount Group that you wish to associate with this B2B account.
If successful the B2B portal account has been created and I welcome email sent to your account customer.
Your B2B account customer shall receive a welcome email providing both the login URL login email or username and password.
Step 10 - Click the 'Sync Products with B2B Portal' button
Wait for product successfully synchronise to B2B PortalThe B2B account or customer is now able to log in to the B2B portal and access their products.
Account or customer B2B product page in LogixOne B2B portalTo see how B2B portal accounts or customers place orders using the B2B portal click this link